Collezione Imports

Collezione Imports

Services: Construction Management
Beginning / Completion: 2009 – 2010
Duration of project: 9 Months
Budget: 2.000.000€

Two-floor, building with one underground basement, property of “COLLEZIONE IMPORTS S.A.” in Kifisia, Athens. The total area of the building is approximately 5.200m2. The Project includes a complete renovation of the existing building to a multi-funcional showroom and distribution center. Civil engineering works include construction of movable partitions, floorings, ceilings, reception, offices, storage rooms, showroom and distribution era. The electromechanical works includes the construction of the new air conditioning systems, ventilation, CCTV, fireproofing systems and electric according to the new internal layout etc. The façades of the building is covered with U-GLASS system, ZINC cladding system and MOEDING ceramics tiles giving the exterior an urban touch, in terms of aesthetics. The project, also, includes the redesign of all external spaces and signage of the building.

– Αrchitectural study: “PATH ARCHITECTS”
– Structural study: “PMA ENGINEERING”
– E/Îœ study: “M.K.A. S.A.”